Stephen Hawking is one of the most well-known scientists in the world. His work on black holes and relativity made him well-known, and the publication of his best-selling science book A Brief History of Time nearly overnight made him a household name.
Hawking welcomed two sons and a daughter over the many happy years he spent with his wife Jane, to whom he was married for 30 years.

Hawking sadly passed away in 2018 after suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis for decades (ALS). His family is still working hard to preserve his legacy and spread his wisdom around the world. Lucy Hawking, Stephen’s daughter, plays a crucial part in this endeavour.
Lucy, who was born in 1969, spends a lot of time working with her father’s organisation now. Lucy shares Stephen’s desire to encourage people, especially kids, to investigate science.

So without further ado, let’s examine Stephen Hawking’s sole child in more detail!
On January 8, 1942, Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford, England. His birthday actually fell on the 300th anniversary of Galileo Gallilei’s death, who was ironically an astronomer and physicist. He was the oldest of Frank and Isobel Hawking’s four children.
Stephen’s parents, who both attended Oxford, raised a child who would grow up to be one of the finest minds the world has ever known. But when he was young, not everyone praised his intelligence.
Despite being third from the bottom of his class, according to stories, Hawking earned the moniker “Einstein” from his peers when he was a teenager. Nevertheless, it became clear that he had great talent, and as he approached his final two years of school,

She went back to the UK to City University in London to hone her journalism talents. Later, Lucy wrote for a number of publications in the US and the UK, but it seems that becoming an author was her most fulfilling endeavour. The daughter-father team collaborated on the creation of a children’s book with her father, Stephen Hawking.
Father and daughter Lucy had an idea for a kid’s adventure book. They wanted it to be grounded in science rather than science fiction. Stephen developed the plot using physics-based elements from real-life events, while Lucy handled the scripting.

“The procedure was fascinating. Working with my father was a terrific joy because of his outstanding memory and ability to pick out pertinent material and make succinct remarks that can radically alter your perspective, the woman continued.
“When it comes to presenting complex ideas in simple terms, my father is a master. Working with him was an incredible delight, and I was grateful for the chance.
Stephen and Lucy read more books than just one. George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt was the first, followed by George and the Big Bang in 2011, George and the Unbreakable Code in 2014, George and the Blue Moon in 2016, and George and the Ship of Time in 2018. There were a total of five more films released.

When Stephen abandoned Lucy Hawking’s mother for one of his carers, Elaine Mason, their marriage ended in divorce. In 1995, they got hitched. Yet it fractured the bond between Lucy and her siblings and their stepmother since his children believed she was hiding their father from them.
In 2006, the couple got divorced.
Having published two novels and a number of children’s books, Lucy has established herself as a well-known author in her own right. The premiere of The Theory of Everything in 2014 allowed the Hawking family to witness the Hollywood adaptation of Stephen’s life.

Eddie Redmayne, who played Stephen in the movie, was the main man and received an Oscar Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role. More than 20 other accolades were given to the movie itself.
The movie was excellent for Lucy. She had visions about her father regaining full use of his legs when she was a young child. It was amazing to watch the movie where her vision was realised.

The Theory of Everything has a scene near the conclusion where my father enters a dream realm and rises up and walks, she says. It was amazing to witness since I’ve never actually seen him stand up, but it’s precisely like a dream I had, she added.