Former White House Aide Speaks Out
Donald Trump’s health has come under investigation, and a former White House adviser has expressed fear that he might not be able to run for office in 2024. The staffer, who was close to Trump during his tenure in office, voiced worry about both his physical and emotional well-being.
Trump’s Health Has Previously Raised Questions
Trump’s health has previously been a source of worry. His physical and mental health came under scrutiny during his time as president, and some people suggested that he was unfit for the job. Trump’s doctor has frequently stated that he is in good health.
Concerns Regarding Trump’s Physical Health
Trump’s physical health was a subject of concern for the former White House assistant, who implied that he would not be able to sustain a presidential campaign. Trump’s physical health may be impacted by his high-fat diet and sedentary lifestyle.
Concerns Regarding Trump’s Mental Health
The former assistant also expressed worries about Trump’s mental state and said he might be experiencing cognitive deterioration. Trump has already been questioned about his mental health, with some detractors alleging that he lacks empathy and is egotistical.